Month: February 2022

Mitigating Risk: Too Much or Too Little Water

Webinar March 17, 2022 at 10:30 AM

Climate change is creating more risk for home builders- but also more opportunities when you are aware of the impacts of climate change on the environment.  More resilient, sustainable housing is one answer to mitigating these increased risks.

Arthur Lofsky, is the Ontario Director of Government Relations and Climate Adaptation for the Insurance Bureau of Canada. In this role he is immersed in the challenges that climate change is having on our built environment.  Arthur will provide a ‘big picture’ look at the risks to Canadians’ financial security and will focus on the insurance industry’s recommendations to adapt and mitigate the financial risk of flood to property owners and governments.

Arthur’s presentation will be followed by a look at an innovative product that can assist in areas where there is too little water…which includes a lot of the land north of the GTA. Municipalities are increasingly offering incentives to builders who can build houses that use less water. Greyter Water Systems is a solution for grey water recycling that can reduce water consumption, and waste water.

View PowerPoint PDF of Arthur’s presentation.

The Importance of Good HVAC Design

Online webinar Thursday February 17, 2022 at 10:30 AM

With changes in building codes and the challenge of climate change, builders and designers face many decisions about how to heat and cool their homes. As a follow up to our combination heating system webinar in December, Michael McCallum of McCallum HVAC Design will speak on the importance of integrating clients’ needs with envelope design to yield an integrated approach to energy performance. The challenge is to integrate architectural design with building performance to ensure the comfort and well-being of the occupants.

The presentation will cover a case study which outlines many different stages including:

  • Client interview and survey
  • Project goals, including verification of performance Better Than Code, passive house or net zero
  • Collaboration with architectural and interior designers
  • Optimizing mechanical design including right-sizing of heating and cooling equipment and window selection
  • Streamlining documentation for code compliance and permit submission
  • On-site verification of mechanical performance
  • Verification of energy performance including air tightness testing

This is a free online Webinar hosted by the Sustainable Housing Foundation. Zoom login details will be emailed to registered attendees before the event on Feb 17th at 10:30 am