Month: June 2018

Strategic Planning Process

River forest

The Sustainable Housing Foundation Board undertook a review of its strategic plan during the fall of 2017 with the assistance of experienced business consultant Fred Pidsadny. The process resulted in a refocused mission and vision statement.

The process of developing a new, focused strategic plan involved several working sessions during which the Board took a hard look at what the Foundation had accomplished in the past and the vision for the Foundation’s future. After the visioning process, the Board looked at how the environment the Foundation operates in has changed, as well as the challenges and the opportunities ahead. Most importantly, the Board also asked: what resources are available to tackle these objectives?

View the board member profiles.

MPP Outreach

MPP John Yakabuski

The Sustainable Housing Foundation Board, in conjunction with board members from CRESNET (Canadian Residential Energy Services Network) undertook a campaign to lobby opposition MPPs at Queen’s Park about the Liberal government’s move to bring in compulsory Home Energy Rating and Disclosure (HER&D).

In the spring/summer of 2016, a select group of board members from SHF and CRESNET developed a campaign to lobby some of the Conservative critics about the compulsory Home Energy Rating and Disclosure (HER&D) program the Liberal government was proposing. This was in response to several meetings and communications with Ministry of Energy staff that had made it apparent that the government was moving forward, under their Green Energy Act, with this initiative.  The Board had some strong reservations about the approach the government was taking and felt that the opposition MPPs needed to be made aware of some of the industry’s concerns.

MPP John Yakabuski

John Yakbuski

PC Energy critic
MPP for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke


MPP Lisa Thompson

Lisa Thompson

PC Environment and Climate Change critic
Huron Bruce